exponential backoffs



~1 min read


61 words

An exponential backoff is an algorithm for retrying requests at exponentially slower rates. Exponential backoff is a strategy for solving…

thundering herd



~1 min read


48 words

When lots of processes or threads are all awaiting a single event, they can be awoken simultaneously when that even occurs. Only one process…

introduce jitter to avoid the thundering herd



~1 min read


51 words

Jitter is a technique to introduce a degree of randomness that will result in improved performance of unreliable systems by helping to avoid…

resilience strategies



~1 min read


75 words

In distributed systems, nothing is certain. This includes network requests. So, how do we handle a failed network request? Do we simply…

git submodules: how to remove a submodule



~1 min read


152 words

Deleting a git submodule is a potentially confusing aspect of working with them. This is because while they can be removed from some…

Hi there and thanks for reading! My name's Stephen. I live in Chicago with my wife, Kate, and dog, Finn. Want more? See about and get in touch!