|~13 min read
|2492 words
At Remine, we have a shared UI library,
. Recently, I had the opportunity to upgrade our icon library to font-awesome-pro
so that we could use their awesome (see what I did there?) icon set and our designers could focus more on the things that are unique to our business.
What seemed like a fairly straight-forward assignment turned out to be quite the learning experience.
And, as is often the case - the learnings came from an unexpected area. While adding font-awesome
had plenty of gotchyas - one of the more interesting lessons was related to how we would collaborate internally and managing environment variables required by NPM.
The Font Awesome team scopes their projects on NPM (@fortawesome
1), and for the pro version, requires an _authToken
in the .npmrc
in order to download and install their packages. The effect is similar to configuring packages to be downloaded from private registries (something I’ve had to work with in the past as we use JFrog internally).
However, we have a global .npmrc
to manage our connections to JFrog and because we have a dozen or so active contributors to the project, I wanted a solution that would mitigate any disruption to other’s development efforts while enabling them to use font-awesome
going forward.
Ideally, it wouldn’t involve me needing to communicate to each and every contributor and walking them through the process.
Specifically, I needed a solution for local development (deployment was handled through a shared secrets solution).
At a high level, my aims were:
to all of the engineers who need it without committing it to our repository,2This doesn’t feel like a unique problem, and yet, when I searched for an established best practice or pattern, I came up empty.
With my aims clarified, I explored the landscape and tried multiple paths before settling on one.
Those roads explored were:3
The easiest way to use environment variables in a Node application is to pass them in at the command line.
Say for example, you wanted to make the authToken
available. You could do something like:
_authToken='abc123' node main.js
While this provides the _authToken
to our application for use, it fails either our first or the second objective.
If we require that a developer enter in the auth token before running the install script, the communication burden is high. I need to get them the information and they need to use it every time.
On the other hand, if we commit this environment variable to our install script, we have committed the _authToken
to our repository (a potential violation of the Font Awesome terms of service if the repository were to be made public).
There is an alternative to passing in the variable at the command line or saving it to the script which is very popular. Add it to a .bash_profile
or a .env
file (the latter works when they’re pulled from a remote source).
These options can work quite well.
For example, if we have a .bash_profile
with the line:
Then we would be able to add a .npmrc
file to the root directory that referenced that variable:
This would work… until a developer didn’t get the memo and failed to update their .bash_profile
. If that happened, they’d be greeted by an error similar to the following:
$ npm
Error: Failed to replace env in config: ${FONTAWESOME_NPM_AUTH_TOKEN}
at /Users/stephen/.nvm/versions/node/v12.13.0/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/config/core.js:415:13
var doExit = npm.config.loaded ? npm.config.get('_exit') : true
TypeError: Cannot read property 'loaded' of undefined
at exit (/Users/stephen/.nvm/versions/node/v12.13.0/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/error-handler.js:97:27)
at process.errorHandler (/Users/stephen/.nvm/versions/node/v12.13.0/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/error-handler.js:216:3)
at process.emit (events.js:210:5)
at process._fatalException (internal/process/execution.js:150:25)
Effectively, because we’re referencing a variable as part of the boot process for npm
that’s not defined (and npm
doesn’t allow default substitution - the reason for which appears due to the fact that npm
locks down all config files before running any scripts), the process exits without completing.
Before waving the white flag, I tried one last approach on the gravel road: a fake variable within the .bash_profile
. This was actually inspired by the solution that we have for production deployments as it’s similar to what we do with our Docker build in the CI.
As long as I had something in place NPM wouldn’t error, and since we are using vault
(by HashiCorp) for secret management, in theory, I could pull it from there and replace it by the time npm
needed it.
To make this work, though, I needed a way to ensure developers had even that dummy variable in place. So I wrote the (overly) simple script to help developers to modify their .bash_profile
echo "export FONTAWESOME_NPM_AUTH_TOKEN='temporary'" >> ~/.bash_profile
Then, updated the package.json
to include a “pre-install” script.
"scripts": {
"configure-development": "vaultinit --host vault.remine.com --path 'global'",
"pre-install": "npm run configure-development && source .env && npm install",
While it works, this approach required more communication than was desireable.
With the gravel road seemingly destined to cause problems, I left it in the dust. It did give me an idea though. What if we automated the whole process and made it so seamless for the developer that they never even knew that running npm install
was doing something special? Effectively - what could happen if we could automatically run the pre-install
I thought of this as a tree-lined road. In many ways, it’s a normal road, but the trees provide plenty of eye candy - making what could be a mundane trip into a pleasant one.
To get there I would need to change the order of operations a bit. Instead of:
We would:
and make it available for .npmrc
programatticallyAnd, the key: do it all with one script, npm install
Through the combination of npm-config
4 and the use of the preinstall
and postinstall
hooks this seemed viable.5
From NPM:
gets its config settings from the command line, environment variables,.npmrc
files, and in some cases, thepackage.json
It’s that last part that suggests how we might fix the problem: npm
can get environment variables from the package.json
and npm
can define it’s own config through npm run config set
So, in lieu of setting the environment variable in the .bash_profile
, we set the variable directly in our npm config
with npm config set
from within the preinstall
and postinstall
"scripts": {
"preinstall": "npm run configure-development && set -a && source .env && set +a && npm config set faauthtoken ${FONTAWESOME_NPM_AUTH_TOKEN:-temporary} && echo ${npm_config_faauthtoken} && npm config get faauthtoken && ./setup.sh",
"postinstall": "echo ${npm_config_faauthtoken} && npm config get faauthtoken && rm -rf ./.npmrc",
Where setup.sh
was defined as:
# creates an .npmrc file with an _authToken
if [[ -e "./.npmrc" ]]; then
echo ".npmrc exists; proceeding to next step"
echo "Creating .npmrc file"
touch ./.npmrc
echo "@fortawesome:registry=https://npm.fontawesome.com/
//npm.fontawesome.com/:_authToken=$(npm config get faauthtoken)" >> ./.npmrc
The purpose of the postinstall
hook is to ensure the .npmrc
is never committed with the secret by removing it entirely (though, I have a secondary check by including .npmrc
in the .gitignore
Since the .npmrc
is only needed for installation, this is a reasonable solution. An alternative, if the variable were actually necessary in other parts of the app, would be to prepend other scripts with npm config get faauthtoken
How did this actually perform against the goals I’d established?
- ✅ The faauthtoken
is available throughout the entire installation process. (This is confirmed by the postinstall
hook where it is echoed out.).npmrc
after the variable is set - ✅ The setup.sh
script writes the actual variable to the .npmrc
(instead of trying to replace it again in the future, thereby removing any loss of context between scripts)npm
locks down its context when running a script. This includes the .npmrc
file. So, while the .npmrc
is updated as we expected, npm
doesn’t see the changes during the installation process and the initial installation fails. In support of this analysis - if we remove the postinstall
hook and run npm install
a second time (with .npmrc
now having the _authToken
defined), installation succeeds.Tree lined roads are pleasant to drive until one of the trees falls and blocks the road, stopping all traffic. When that happens, you might regret taking the scenic route. And having a predictable disruption like a failed install is hardly the pleasant trip we wanted to provide to collaborators.
With the scenic route giving me fits, I decided for the more direct approach: highways. They aren’t pretty, but they’re effective. There are no trees to look at, but when the whole goal is to get to where you’re going, it’s a price that can be worth paying.
The hardest part about the highway is getting on. In our case, that means that there’s some communication requirements so that engineers know what to do before they try to install dependencies. Otherwise they’ll still hit the error we saw before about an unknown environment variable.
The on ramp for us is a pre-install
(note, this has a hyphen and is not the hook provided by npm
) script in the package.json
"scripts": {
"pre-install": "export $(vaultinit --host vault.remine.com --path 'global' --stdout | grep FONTAWESOME_NPM_AUTH_TOKEN) && ./setup.sh",
This script begins with:
export $(vaultinit --host vault.remine.com --path 'global' --stdout | grep FONTAWESOME_NPM_AUTH_TOKEN)
is an internal tool designed to retrieve secrets from vault
. So, vaultinit --host vault.remine.com --path 'global' --stdout
retrieves our global secrets from the global directory. But we don’t need all of the secrets, only one. So, using grep the script retrieves the line for FONTAWESOME_NPM_AUTH_TOKEN
If we were to print it at this point, we would see the familiar line:
Event better, because now have access to the whole line, by exporting it we can reference it in our setup
bash script directly:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# creates an .npmrc file with a dummy variable
if [[ -e "./.npmrc" ]]; then
echo ".npmrc exists; proceeding to next step"
echo "Creating .npmrc file"
touch ./.npmrc
echo "@fortawesome:registry=https://npm.fontawesome.com/
//npm.fontawesome.com/:_authToken=${FONTAWESOME_NPM_AUTH_TOKEN}" >> ./.npmrc
Then, because the highway’s new, we needed to add some signage (AKA updating the README).
Once that was done, however, an engineer who wanted to work on repaint
became aware of the new highway all they had to do was get on (run the pre-install
script the first time to create a local .npmrc
) and they were off to the races.
Everything else is handled for them and it’s done in a way that eliminates any need for storing sensitive API keys locally or manually typing them in.
Adding font-awesome
to a shared project turned out to be considerably more complex than I was expecting up front. And while the road isn’t blessed with beautiful scenery, the solution I arrived at (with the help numerous friends and colleagues) gets us where we wanted to go by achieving most of the aims I established up front:
to distribute the API token for font-awesome
, the process mirrors all other secret management internally.preinstall
and postinstall
hooks), but updating the README with only one additional step seems like a reasonable compromise.repaint
and hit a new error would be disruptive, but by running one script they can get back on track.font-awesome
in the future.Along the way, I learned a number of things about bash scripting generally as well as how npm works specifically.
That’s all for now. Hope you enjoyed the trip!
file to git with the _authToken
in it, however, a) the Terms of Service explicitly restrict sharing the _authToken
in any open source project, b) commiting any kind of secret to git doesn’t feel like a best practice, and c) even though repaint
is private, Fort Awesome recently discovered that it’s still possible to leak secrets through the package-lock.json
if precautions aren’t taken. Mike Wilkerson, an engineer at Font Awesome, wrote about the discovery of leaked secrets and how they addressed the problem.npm
docs on npm-config.npm
docs on npm-scripts. There’s a long list of built-in hooks, however, none of the others seemed to overcome the issue of npm
locking the configuration settings during execution.Hi there and thanks for reading! My name's Stephen. I live in Chicago with my wife, Kate, and dog, Finn. Want more? See about and get in touch!