|~2 min read
|270 words
A quick optimization to keep an eye out for while styling components - particularly those where they share logic - whether between components or between properties.
For example, dependency on the status of my component, I will show different colors at different places.
Initially, I had something like this:
import styled from ‘styled-components';
import { Circle } from ‘react-feather’;
export const Circle = styled(Circle)`
fill: ${props => props.status === 'ERROR'
? ‘red’
: props.status === 'COMPLETE'
? ‘green’
: ‘grey’};
stroke: ${props => props.status === StepStatusTypes.ERROR
? colors.error
: props.status === StepStatusTypes.COMPLETE
? colors.success
: colors.lightGray;};
Because we’re using styled-components, we have all of the power of Javascript within our CSS. Yes, there are pros and cons to that, but the that means dynamic attributes like this are possible without adding / removing classes.
It also means that we can extract the duplicative code into a function. Like so:
import styled from ‘styled-components';
import { Circle } from ‘react-feather’;
const circleColor(props) = props =>
props.status === 'ERROR'
? ‘red’
: props.status === 'COMPLETE'
? ‘green’
: ‘grey’;
export const Circle = styled(Circle)`
fill: ${props => circleColor(props);
stroke: ${props => circleColor(props)};
Even better, since we’re consuming the same argument in both functions, we can curry them and eliminate the lambda function:1
import styled from ‘styled-components';
import { Circle } from ‘react-feather’;
const circleColor(props) = props =>
props.status === 'ERROR'
? ‘red’
: props.status === 'COMPLETE'
? ‘green’
: ‘grey’;
export const Circle = styled(Circle)`
fill: ${circleColor};
stroke: ${circleColor};
Hi there and thanks for reading! My name's Stephen. I live in Chicago with my wife, Kate, and dog, Finn. Want more? See about and get in touch!