easy logging with bunyan



~3 min read


487 words

Another entry in my Package Discovery series. Today, I’m looking at logging with bunyan!

Two steps to easily generate more readable logs:

  1. Install bunyan globally1
  2. Pipe the output of a script into bunyan

For example:

node index.js | bunyan

You can customize the output pretty easily with the different options too. Level and output mode being the two that I’ve used most.


To see only messages of warn or above we can do2:

node index.js | bunyan --level warn

Trent, Bunyan’s author, also provides some useful heuristics on levels:

Trent’s biased suggestions for server apps: Use “debug” sparingly. Information that will be useful to debug errors post mortem should usually be included in “info” messages if it’s generally relevant or else with the corresponding “error” event. Don’t rely on spewing mostly irrelevant debug messages all the time and sifting through them when an error occurs.

Trent’s biased suggestions for node.js libraries: IMHO, libraries should only ever log at trace-level. Fine control over log output should be up to the app using a library. Having a library that spews log output at higher levels gets in the way of a clear story in the app logs.


Bunyan also offers different output formats configurable through the --output flag:

long (default)      The default output. Long form. Colored and "pretty".
                    'req' and 'res' and 'err' fields are rendered specially
                    as an HTTP request, HTTP response and exception
                    stack trace, respectively. For backward compat, the
                    name "paul" also works for this.
short               Like the default output, but more concise. Some
                    typically redundant fields are ellided.
json                JSON output, 2-space indentation.
json-N              JSON output, N-space indentation, e.g. "json-4"
bunyan              Alias for "json-0", the Bunyan "native" format.
inspect             Node.js `util.inspect` output.

A basic example:

node index.js | bunyan --output short


Using Bunyan as a catch for all of my server outputs has made sifting through logs significantly easier. Instead of trying to parse stack traces from a log that seems to be a wall of text, Bunyan pulls apart the information automatically.

It’s a simple change to a workflow that makes everything else simpler.

H/t to Krish Penumarty for the initial tip!


  • 1 Technically, global install is not required. You could also run it if installed in a project through the node_modules directory. This example is covered in the CLI Usage section of Bunyan’s README, but would look like: $ node index.js | ./node_modules/.bin/bunyan.

  • 2 This actually started an interesting thread of inquiry for me about the different levels of logging. At first blush, it appears that while there’s no universal standard, there is a convention of the following levels:


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