finding the most recent date in an array, with conditions, using dayjs



~5 min read


902 words

There are a lot of different ways to approach date math (I’ve written about some in the past), but recently, I had to find the best way to find the date in a list that was the most recent (but still in the past).

Let’s start by revisiting some basic date math, this time using DayJS.

DayJS IsAfter & IsBefore

DayJS, a lightweight library offers several methods for date comparison. In this case, two that are useful are isBefore and isAfter. They allow a DayJS Date to be compared to another.

const today = dayjs()
const past = dayjs("2010-06-01")

console.log(today.isAfter(past)) // true
console.log(past.isBefore(today)) // true

Handling Null And Undefined

While isBefore and isAfter are quite intuitive, their handling of null or undefined values is not. Or rather, it certainly wasn’t how I expected it to operate.

const isAfterNull = dayjs().isAfter(null)
const isBeforeNull = dayjs().isBefore(null)
console.log({ isAfterNull, isBeforeNull }) // {isAfterNull: false, isBeforeNull: false, isAfterUndefined: false, isBeforeUndefined: false}

Knowing this, however, we can protect against comparing a valid date against null/undefined.

We’ll come back to this in a bit.

Comparing The Set

If you know that your set of dates has no gaps, then a good approach might use a .map/reduce approach:

const days = ["2020-01-02", "2019-01-29", "2019-12-30"]

const maxDates = => dayjs(day))

const maxDate = maxDates.reduce((accumulator, curVal) =>
  curVal && accumulator.isBefore(curVal) ? accumulator : curVal,
console.log(maxDate) // "2020-01-02"

This can go awry in an awful lot of ways, however. Take one example: What happens if there’s a gap in the data?

const missingDates = ["2020-01-02", undefined, "2019-12-30"]
const maxDates = => dayjs(day))
const maxDate = maxDates.reduce((accumulator, curVal) =>
  curVal && accumulator.isBefore(curVal) ? accumulator : curVal,
console.log(maxDate) // TODAY

The result is today’s date even though today wasn’t in the initial data set. This is because in the highlighted line above, if the value’s undefined, we are effectively setting it today (the value of dayjs(undefined) is the same as dayjs(), the current timestamp).

Let’s handle that next.

Filter out empty values

const missingDates = ["2020-01-02", undefined, "2019-12-30"]
const maxDates = => dayjs(day))
const filteredDates = maxDates.filter((day) => !!day)

const maxDate = filteredDates.reduce((accumulator, curVal) =>
  curVal && accumulator.isBefore(curVal) ? accumulator : curVal,
console.log(maxDate) // "2020-01-02"

Adding In A Recency Check

And now, the final step - ensuring that the date we return is in the past (that is - up to and including today).

The one part I haven’t mentioned is that one of the reasons we can get sparse data is because we’re really combining three dates: a set of updated dates, a publish date, and the original date. Even better, there can be gaps anywhere.

In the example below for example - there’s a gap in updated and date.

  1. First, let’s pull some of the functions apart - highlighted is our reducer function:

    const updated = ["2020-05-02", "2020-01-19", , "2019-12-30"]
    const publish = "2019-08-20"
    const date = undefined
    const TODAY = dayjs() // 2020-02-04
    const FAKE_START = dayjs("1900-01-01")
    const node = { updated, publish, date }
    const reducerToMostRecentDateBeforeBuild = (accumulator, curVal) => {  return curVal &&    dayjs(curVal).isAfter(dayjs(accumulator)) &&    (TODAY.isAfter(curVal) || TODAY.isSame(curVal, "day")) // In case the date is the same as TODAY, need to add a second check    ? curVal    : accumulator}
    function findMaxDate(node) {
      const { updated, publish, date } = node.frontmatter
      const allDates = []
      if (updated) allDates.push(...updated)
      allDates.push(publish, date)
      const filteredDates = allDates.filter((day) => day)
      if (filtereDates.length === 0) return // escape early and return null if no valid dates supplied
      const maxDate = filteredDates
        .map((day) => dayjs(day))
        .reduce(reducerToMostRecentDateBeforeBuild, dayjs("1900-01-01")) // to make sure the first date is valid
      return maxDate && maxDate.isAfter(FAKE_START) ? maxDate : null
    console.log(findMaxDate(node)) // "2020-01-19"

    The remaining changes made in order to handle the nuance of having a maximum allowable date:

  2. Early escape if there are no filtered dates

  3. Setting an initial value

  4. Adding another check relative to TODAY in the reducer

  5. Final check against the FAKE_START

If all of the dates were somehow null, escape right away and return null.

In my case, I also knew that all dates would be after 1900-01-01. I could therefore use that value, which was assigned to FAKE_START, as the initial value in the reducer.

Within the reducer I added the line:

TODAY.isAfter(curVal) || TODAY.isSame(curVal, "day")

This is equivalent to asking if today is greater or equal to the curVal.1

Finally, I make sure that there’s actually a value at the end of this. If there’s not, I don’t want to return my fake date, but would prefer null, so I do a final check.


And with that, we’ve sorted a potentially holey list of dates to return the maximum value that’s in the past. For other ideas, you can check out this StackOverflow conversation from 2011.

I also have a Code Sandbox to play around with the code of finding the latest date in an array given a set of parameters (e.g., up to and including today). Do note that the answer will change after May 2, 2020!


  • 1 I am explicitly setting day as the comparison value because the API documentation doesn’t make it clear what the default value is and I haven’t had a chance to dig into the source code.

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