graphql query forwarding



~1 min read


149 words

In GraphQL if your queries are the same going from the client to the GraphQL server and the GraphQL server to the backend (e.g., React -> GraphQL Yoga and then GraphQL Yoga -> Prisma), instead of writing a custom resolver duplicating the logic, it’s possible to simply forward the request.

For example:

const Query = {
  async items(parent, args, ctx, info) {
    const items = await ctx.db.query.items()
    return items

module.exports = Query

Can be converted to:

const { forwardTo } = require("prisma-binding")

const Query = {
  items: forwardTo("db"),

This is useful if you want to get up and running, testing a live connection to the data layer without customizing the resolvers.

It won’t work if the resolver needs some additional business logic, e.g., authentication.

Until then, however, this provides a nice way to expose the functionality provided by the data layer, quickly.

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