group, count, and order a table in postgres



~4 min read


627 words

I have a table that represents a many to one relationship. How, then, do I find out which of the “ones” have the most “manys”?

Postgres has a few built in utilities that when combined make this quite simple.

Consider the example of a table that tracks all media (images, videos, etc.) that are owned by a particular user.

The media table might look something like this:

media_id media_type user_id …other details
1 image ‘abc123’
2 image ‘abc123’
3 image ‘abc123’
4 image ‘abc123’
5 pdf ‘abc123’
6 video ‘abc123’
10000001 image ‘xyz789’
10000002 video ‘xyz789’

How might I figure out which user has the most images? describes the “Group By” clause in the following way:

The PostgreSQL GROUP BY clause is used in collaboration with the SELECT statement to group together those rows in a table that have identical data. This is done to eliminate redundancy in the output and/or compute aggregates that apply to these groups.

The GROUP BY clause follows the WHERE clause in a SELECT statement and precedes the ORDER BY clause.

Note: a GROUP BY clause requires an aggregate function (e.g., SUM, COUNT, etc.).

So, a simple use of GROUP BY would look like:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM media GROUP BY user_id;

The results would look something like:


Okay! This is a good start. We’ve aggregated all of the media entries by the user, but have failed to do some useful things like:

  1. Sort or organize them in any useful way
  2. Show which user is associated with each row
  3. Limit to only images

Let’s fix these issues now.

In my case, I want to sort the counts in a descending fashion. To do that, we’ll alias the count and then order by (note, ORDER BY follows the GROUP BY clause per the TutorialsPoint description above):

SELECT COUNT(*) as media_count FROM media GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY media_count;

Better! We’re in order - and we have some useful context for what we’re counting because of the alias.

One issue down, two to go. Let’s identify the user next:

SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) as media_count FROM media GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY media_count;
user media_count
‘abc123’ 72
‘def827’ 24
‘has879’ 13
‘zed127’ 9
‘xyz789’ 1

Okay! Last step, let’s limit the type of media to only be images!

SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) as image_count FROM media WHERE media_type='image' GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY image_count;
user media_count
‘abc123’ 41
‘has879’ 13
‘def827’ 5
‘zed127’ 5
‘xyz789’ 1

Et voilá! I now have a sorted list grouped by user and filtered to only include the relevant records.

It’s worth noting that this is not a particularly optimized query and can take a while when the tables are big.

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