leading spaces & the web



~3 min read


442 words

One of the more frustrating little quirks about HTML is its insistence on collapsing white space.

This is actually often more useful than it’s annoying, but still - when you want a space, how do you do it?

Turns out, one way is with HTML Character Entities.1 If you’ve ever seen someone type → to create a →, then you’ve seen a character entity. (Freeformatter.com has a full list of characters with their entity number2)

For my purposes, I was working in React and I wanted two components to be separated by a space. That meant I couldn’t allow the compilation process down to HTML to collapse my spaces.

It turns out that is exactly the difference between a normal space and a “non-breaking space”.

Looking at HTML specifically, I wanted to see how these would work.

<h1>Strictly HTML</h1>
  <h2>Leading Space</h2>
  <div>leading space</div>
  <div>&#32;leading space character entity</div>
  <div>&nbsp;leading nbsp character entity</div>
  <div>^ starting position</div>
  <h2>Multiple spaces</h2>
  <div>three spaces between words</div>
    three&#32;&#32;&#32;spaces between words with space character entity
    three&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;spaces between words with nbsp character entity

I also mounted React to the DOM and tested it with JSX to get equivalent results (with a few extra tests to see how JSX evaluation would work):

const App = () => (
      <h2>Leading Space</h2>
      <div> leading space</div>
      <div> leading JSX evaluated space</div>
      <div>{`${" "}${"leading space in evaluated expression"}`}</div>
      <div>&#32;leading space character entity</div>
      <div>&nbsp;leading nbsp character entity</div>
      <div>^ starting position</div>
      <h2>Multiple spaces</h2>
      <div>What about multiple spaces?</div>
      <div>three spaces between words</div>
        three&#32;&#32;&#32;spaces between words with space character entity
        three&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;spaces between words with nbsp character entity

The results proved out the point — leading spaces are collapsed (as, by the way, are trailing spaces) unless we use the non-breaking space character.

leading spaces exercise

If you’re interested in playing around yourself, I used JSFiddle to help me visualize the differences1.

By the way, you may also see \U00A0. This is the unicode character for the “no-break space”.4 There appear to be several other ways to identify the character depending on the encoding used (UTF-8, UTF-16, python, etc.)


To get the spaces you want to show up in HTML that you expect, use the HTML character entity - specifically &nbsp; for the non-breaking space character.

These entities are also a great way to introduce other visually appealing characters, like a right arrow (though Unicode is another good option).

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