npm link



~3 min read


532 words

Unless you’re working on a mono-repo, it’s fairly common that in the process of making changes to a code base, you’ll actually need to update the dependency.

When that happens, if you want to test that the changes you’re making work before merging to master in the dependency, linking repositories can be a god-send. Enter NPM Link.1

To make this explicit, let’s think about two apps: AppA is an e-commerce application (could be anything, I just picked e-commerce). We’re building it, and other apps, in React. As a result, we can benefit from a shared-UI library enabling code reuse across all of our applications. This library will be called LibB.

AppA imports a component, let’s call it Input, from LibB, but it wants some additional validation. Instead of writing that validation in AppA (and then needing to re-write it in every subsequent app that uses Input), we want to modify the Input component directly and then test that the changes took as expected within AppA.

  1. Navigate to the root directory of LibB (the dependency) in your terminal (or open your text editor’s console)
  2. Run npm link
  3. If you need to build your app (e.g., if LibB is written in Typescript), do so now: npm run build

At this point, any app that has LibB as a dependency can now link to it. What that means is that when running an app that uses LibB, instead of using the files in node_modules, it will reference the local version stored by the link.

  1. Navigate to the root directory of the app that you want to link, AppA in our case
  2. Run npm link LibB where LibB is the name of the library’s package.

Note: DO NOT run npm install. That will break the link.

As noted above, the easiest way to break the link is from within AppA running npm install.

If you’d like a more formal approach, Erin Bush wrote about Linking and Unlinking and has the following steps:2

  1. In the root directory of AppA run npm unlink --no-save LibB
  2. In the root directory of LibB run npm unlink

Why Order Matters

If the order is messed up and we unlink LibB before AppA, you can get into a situation where your project, AppA won’t be able to install its dependency LibB - linked or not.

The solution (which is hardly a solution) was to remove the local copy and do a fresh copy from the remote repo.

Wrapping Up

Linking apps is one of my favorite ways to speed up my development. Not only do I not need to wait until my changes to the dependency have been reviewed and merged into master, but I can verify myself that what I want to happen does happen.

While reading up on the topic, in addition to Erin’s post, I found Alexis Hevia’s Medium post quite helpful in understanding how to link and do so safely.3


Related Posts
  • Linking Packages Located In Monorepos
  • NPM Link: Detecting Links
  • NPM Link: Detecting Linked Packages
  • Linking Libraries: React Hooks
  • Yarn: Setting Up Workspaces
  • Yarn: When Pack makes more sense than Link

  • Hi there and thanks for reading! My name's Stephen. I live in Chicago with my wife, Kate, and dog, Finn. Want more? See about and get in touch!