postgres return types in node - parse strings to whatever you want



~2 min read


260 words

By default the node-postgres returns everything from PostgreSQL as a string. Brian Carlson, the author of pg, provides a solution for fixing this with his package pg-types.

One of the examples in the README refers to using moment . This is exactly how we used it. For example:

import * as moment from "moment-timezone";
import * as pg from "pg";

export const pool = new pg.Pool({});

// format timestamptz as a date with a timezone
pg.types.setTypeParser(1184, (val: string) => {
    const serverTz = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone;
    return val === null
        ? null
        : moment(new Date(Date.parse(val ++0000)))

Note: 1184 is type timestamptz

<database_name>=> select typname, oid, typarray from pg_type where oid='1184' order by oid;
   typname   | oid  | typarray
 timestamptz | 1184 |     1185

Curious about what else is available? You can see the full list of data-types available for parsing, with one command. Brian provided it in the README for pg-types (which is what inspired the above query).

Unfortunately when I gave it a try, I got an error:

$ psql -c "select typname, oid, typarray from pg_type order by oid;"
2019-11-13 14:50:45.206 EST [19753] FATAL:  database "stephen" does not exist
psql: FATAL:  database "stephen" does not exist

The fix was to log into the psql interactive shell. Once I did that, when I executed the query, everything worked as expected:

<database_name>=> select typname, oid, typarray from pg_type order by oid;

The result is a list of 384 different types to parse to your heart’s desire.

type results

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