5 posts tagged with "api"

    node: testing protected apis with supertest



    ~3 min read


    547 words

    I previously wrote about testing node APIs with Supertest, but what about a protected route? One which requires a valid JWT associated with…

    node: testing apis with supertest



    ~2 min read


    222 words

    Once you’ve designed an API, you will likely want to test it. If it’s a Node server, supertest is a popular solution for writing tests…

    what is an api?



    ~1 min read


    170 words

    The term API is used in a huge number of situations. For people, like myself, who have not been coding for years, this can be confusing…

    restful apis: put vs. patch



    ~2 min read


    294 words

    I routinely find myself looking up the differences between the HTTP methods (aka verbs) and . While there’s plenty of nuance, some of which…

    variables in postman



    ~2 min read


    298 words

    I’ve written in the past about why I like testing my APIs with Postman. Today, I learned that they have yet another feature that makes my…

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