7 posts tagged with "beginner"

    packing and unpacking tuples in python



    ~3 min read


    447 words

    Unlike a list or a dictionary, in Python, tuples are immutable.1 This is clear when investigating the methods available on the object…

    exploring python methods with help and dir



    ~3 min read


    469 words

    Over the past few days I’ve been exploring different data structures and built-in methods with Python. I looked at strings, lists basics…

    list comprehension in python (with comparisons in javascript)



    ~5 min read


    994 words

    Python has a very concise syntax for creating new lists called List Comprehension. List comprehension is a way to define a new list based on…

    list basics in python



    ~3 min read


    601 words

    Lists in Python are similar to arrays, though there are some idiosyncrasies to how the methods work in Python (at least relative to…

    basic flow control in python



    ~2 min read


    371 words

    Continuing my basics education of Python, here are some examples of flow control. I’ll explore the following: If, else if, and else…

    aws iam in 30 seconds



    ~3 min read


    405 words

    Preamble: I am exploring different areas of AWS and am finding the jargon overwhelming. To help myself, I’ll be writing up summaries of some…

    aws s3 in 30 seconds



    ~2 min read


    383 words

    Preamble: I am exploring different areas of AWS and am finding the jargon overwhelming. To help myself, I’ll be writing up summaries of some…

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