10 posts tagged with "markdown"

    writing one sentence per line



    ~1 min read


    201 words

    I recently came across Derek Sivers’ article “writing one sentence per line”. The advice has completely changed the way that I write. Mostly…

    react: rendering markdown



    ~2 min read


    234 words

    I’m working on a little side project I’ve been noodling on for a while now and one feature I wanted to add was markdown support with a live…

    regex: javascript global flag



    ~2 min read


    235 words

    Recently I wrote about my regular expression prowess with figuring out a pattern to match on markdown links. When I went to implement it…

    regex: grouping matches



    ~2 min read


    313 words

    As regular expressions get longer and more complicated capture groups can be nice to organize the different pieces of a match. For example…

    regex: markdown links



    ~4 min read


    685 words

    In the Markdown Spec there are several ways to write a link. The most common way I’ve seen / used is a pair of brackets followed by…

    getting strikethroughs when writing in markdown



    ~1 min read


    163 words

    This evening I was going on my merry way when I realized that I wanted to add some emphasis to my writing by adding a strikethrough mark…

    named anchors & markdown



    ~2 min read


    227 words

    When writing longer files in Markdown, it can be useful to create links within the document to help readers navigate. This cross referencing…

    markdown image titles and alt text



    ~2 min read


    397 words

    I continue to be impressed by the simplicity and power of Markdown. Today, while exploring the API for Gatsby’s Remark Images, I noticed the…

    mdx vs remark



    ~1 min read


    185 words

    Both MDX and Remark are Markdown compilers that will convert valid Markdown into HTML to render on the web. The beauty of Remark is that it…

    superscript and subscript with markdown



    ~2 min read


    217 words

    Markdown doesn’t support for superscript or subscript directly. However, there are multiple strategies to adding superscript and subscript…

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