7 posts tagged with "vim"

    vim multicursor in vs code



    ~1 min read


    149 words

    I’m working on adopting more VIM into my life (again) and this time I’m starting by adding the Vim keybindings within VS Code. Almost…

    vim in vs code



    ~2 min read


    388 words

    One of the great things about massive changes (e.g., a move, a new job, etc.) is the natural tendency to reevaluate all of your habits and…

    vim: find and replace basics with substitute



    ~3 min read


    472 words

    I’m working on using Vim as a basic text editor. In order for that to work, I needed to learn how to use some basic find and replace…

    vim: command cheatsheet



    ~3 min read


    595 words

    A place to store vim commands that aren’t muscle memory yet. Undo, Repeat, and Redo Doing a little consolidation as I’ve previously had to…

    iterm2 and the meta key



    ~2 min read


    251 words

    When it comes to taking full advantage of tools like vim, emacs, and tmux, the keyboard is critical. The power of these tools is that they…

    undo and redo in vim



    ~1 min read


    125 words

    Sometimes Vim is simultaneously impossible opaque and extraordinarily intuitive. That’s the case with the undo and redo. To undo the last…

    learning vim with vimtutor



    ~1 min read


    74 words

    If you have already installed, you can get an interactive walk-through using the . To launch , open your shell and type in the command…

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