|~1 min read
|167 words
What does it mean when we say that babel
is a transpiler?
According to Shawn Wang (known on the internet as swxy), when babel
transpiles, it “compile[s] from Javascript to Javascript”.1
So, if we’re comparing transpiling to compiling - the former is from it’s language to itself (at a target specified by the developer to be compatible with the consuming application — in this case the various browsers) while the latter is taking a language and transforming it into a different language - whether it’s a lower level language (C or C++) or machine code.
Update According to this article on ReScript, the above definition is not quite right. Instead a transpiler is a compiler which targets another language (any language) while a compiler targets bytecode. Considering the Elm compiler (which is the project’s name, not transpiler) targets Javascript, I’m still inclined believe Shawn.
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