vercel & private submodules



~4 min read


654 words

In moving my blog from Gatsby to NextJS, I needed to solve a big architectural difference between Gatsby and Next. When building my site with Gatsby everything was pre-built and pre-rendered. That could be the case with Next, but it’s not how I wanted to use it.

See, one of the main motivations for moving was that I wanted to have some pages statically built, but others pulled from a server.

How do I make that work?

Well, the first thing I needed to figure out was how to get a build with private submodule.

Cloning (Branch: main, Commit: 013aa4b)
Warning: Failed to fetch one or more git submodules
Cloning completed: 460.88ms
Analyzing source code...

Fortunately, a few kind internet folks took the time to answer the question of how to solve private submodules in Vercel.

The first I found was Fred’s blog. Later I also found Beeinger’s repo. There’s a slight typo in Fred’s version that I needed to fix (SUBMODULE_REF is assigned and never used. SUBMODULE_PATH is referenced but never assigned). In the end, I settled on a solution that blended the two approaches.


The shell scripts are nearly identical - as are the steps recommended:

  1. Copy the shell script,, into the root of your project (below).

  2. Update the permissions:

    % chmod u+x
  3. Create a Personal Access Token in Github with full access to Repos

    • Settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens
    • Generate new token
    • Set an expiration
    • Make sure to check full access for Repo: [x] repo - Full control of private repositories
    • Copy the token
  4. Add it as an environment variable to your vercel project

    • Project -> Settings -> Environment Variables
    • Add a new variable. Name it GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN. Give it the value of the Access Token.
  5. Create a new script in the package.json that leverages the shell script:

      "scripts": {
        "vercel-build": "./ && npm run build"
  6. Update the Vercel project to use the new vercel-build

    • Project -> Settings -> General -> Build & Development Settings
    • Toggle OVERRIDE for the Build command
    • Set the value of the Build command to npm run vercel-build

Full Script
# repo paths (supplied without the protocol prefix)
# the reference of the submodule in .gitmodules (usually the path)
if [ "$VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_SHA" == "" ]; then
  echo "Error: VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_SHA is empty"
  exit 1
if [ "$GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN" == "" ]; then
  echo "Error: GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN is empty"
  exit 1
# stop script execution on error
set -e
# set up an empty temporary work directory
rm -rf vercel-tmp || true
mkdir vercel-tmp
cd vercel-tmp
# checkout the current commit
git init
git remote add origin https://$GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN@$MAIN_REPO
git fetch --depth=1 origin $VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_SHA
# set the submodule repo paths to ones that vercel can access
mv .gitmodules .gitmodules.original
cat .gitmodules.original | sed "s/\/\/$\//" > .gitmodules
# checkout the submodule
git submodule sync
git submodule update --init --recursive 2>&1 | sed "s/$GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN/\*\*\*\*/"
# move the submodule to where it should have been if vercel had supported submodules
cd ..
rm -rf vercel-tmp/$SUBMODULE_PATH/.git
if [ -d $SUBMODULE_PATH ]; then
mkdir -p $(dirname $SUBMODULE_PATH)
# show contents of submodule path in logs
# clean up
rm -rf vercel-tmp

In my case, my .gitmodules is:

[submodule "content"]
    path = content
    url =

And the main project is blog-nextjs, so, the variables in my script became:

# repo paths (supplied without the protocol prefix)
# the reference of the submodule in .gitmodules (usually the path)

And now, even though I still get the warning in my build that the build “[f]ailed to fetch one or more git submodules”, by the time I need the content, they’re present!

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