management mountain



~2 min read


248 words

In First, Break All The Rules, the authors describe management as a mountain. To reach the peak, you need to pass the previous stages. To…

vim multicursor in vs code



~1 min read


149 words

I’m working on adopting more VIM into my life (again) and this time I’m starting by adding the Vim keybindings within VS Code. Almost…

vim in vs code



~2 min read


388 words

One of the great things about massive changes (e.g., a move, a new job, etc.) is the natural tendency to reevaluate all of your habits and…

utils vs helpers



~1 min read


109 words

In his blog post about his preferred file structure for React projects, Josh W Comeau distinguished between utility and helper functions…

nextjs: persistent layouts with typescript



~2 min read


382 words

NextJS has documentation for layouts. It even has a section for Typescript. Unfortunately, when I tried to follow it, I ran into a whole…

Hi there and thanks for reading! My name's Stephen. I live in Chicago with my wife, Kate, and dog, Finn. Want more? See about and get in touch!