puzzle pyramid 2



~4 min read


617 words

I’m out on vacation with my family and we were playing a card game, Tiny Polka Dot, which is described as “Number-Loving Learning Fun”. It’s…

javascript: combining regular expression patterns



~2 min read


310 words

I was working on updating my blog and I wanted to have excerpts. Unfortunately, the excerpts were coming in with a lot of additional context…

ts-node: es modules and commonjs mismatch



~2 min read


295 words

I added a script to a Next.JS project recently which I wanted to run as part of a pre-build step with . The script lived in a scripts folder…

postman: storing and reusing cookies between calls



~1 min read


177 words

When it comes to testing APIs, Postman and tools like it are quite useful! I’ve been working on an upgrade to my blog to include…




~2 min read


393 words

I’ve been a big fan of Katas for a few years. Recently, I brought them to my team as a way to spend ~1 hour a every other week doing…

Hi there and thanks for reading! My name's Stephen. I live in Chicago with my wife, Kate, and dog, Finn. Want more? See about and get in touch!